Welcome to The Atari/TOS Clone Directory
Now the official Ac mailing list page
Select a specific Clone Directory to view.
Medusa T40 users
Hades040 user directory
Hades060 user directory
Milan040 user directory
Milan060 user directory
An Atari/TOS clone? What is that?
Since this page now is the official site for the Ac (Atari Clone)
Mailing list, and one important requirement to become a member of it is to
own an Atari/TOS clone, we, sad as it may sound, actually have to define what
an "Atari/TOS Clone" is. And here is the definition of such a machine; A TOS
clone is a machine built to run TOS as soon as it gets power. A TOS clone is
hardware made to run TOS, with the intention of being a TOS machine. The only
difference between a real Atari and an Atari/TOS clone, is that Atari built
the real ones, third parties built the clones. Their intentions were the
same, hardware that runs TOS!
Now follows a list of what we regard as legal Atari TOS Clones;
Hades, Milan, Medusa, Eagle
And here are stuff we do NOT regard as being valid Atari/TOS clones;
A PC is NOT an Atari Clone. Not even when it runs an Atari emulator.
A Mac is NOT an Atari Clone. Not even when it run an Atari emulator.
A Hades can run Linux, and still is an Atari Clone.
a PC or Mac can run Linux, and still is NOT an Atari Clone.
Even if someone finds a way to make a PC (or Mac or whatever) boot
TOS, that machine is not an Atari clone, simply because it was not made to
boot TOS!
Do we all agree on this now?
The Ac Mailing list.
The Ac (Atari clone) mailing list is a closed mailing list where
owners of one of the abovementioned Atari Clones can share information,
experiences and ideas regarding the use of these fine machines. There is only
one very important criteria that must be met before a person is allowed onto
the Ac Mailing list;
The person must actually own a Milan, Hades, Eagle or
Medusa! That is, a real Atari/TOS Clone! This criteria is not
It is also preferrable that the person is listed in the The Atari/TOS
Clone directory. That is, on this page ;-) Being listed here is no longer a
To get listed on this page, read this, to subscribe the
Ac Mailing list, go
What is the purpose of this site?
For those new (or old, but not updated ;-) ) to the world of Atari
anno Y2k, there were developed three different Atari clones during
nineties. The first Atari clone that was available was the Medusa T40,
produced by a Swiss company called Medusa Computer Systems.
The T40 is now discontinued. Then, a couple of years later, the
Hades040/060 became availabe, also made by Medusa Computer Systems.
The Hades was the first Atari clone that could use a 68060 CPU and
had 4 PCI slots, 3 ISA slots and a VME slot (as found in the TT). Some
years after the Hades was released, a new company called Milan Gmbh, located in Germany,
released their Milan. This machine was, at the time of release, a lot
cheaper than the Hades, but came in 68040 configurations only. The Milan
also have 4 PCI slots and 4 ISA slots, but no VME. Follow the link to the
individual manufacturers site for more info. For some time, Milan had a
follow-up machine in development, the Milan II, but this development has
been dropped, and is now a dead project. The reason for the demise of
this project is that vital parts are not available anymore, and adapting
the motherboard is considered too big a project and too expensive for the
small market. However, now the Milan is available with 68060 CPU as well.
This page is dedicated to users of the abovementioned Atari/TOS
Clone machines. Here you can find information about other
Hades/Milan/Medusa users. As most people still using Atari computers, or
follow what happens around the Atari scene knows there have been
developed some Atari clone computers. Owners of these clones are hard to
come by, and this is an attempt to keep a 'directory' of users and what
machine(s) these users have. This page was formerly maintained by Lonny Pursell, but he asked me
if I wanted to host/maintain this page. I think he asked me because I
actually had a Hades060, and he didn't at the time. But that situation
changed, fortunately ;-) Congrats with your new Hades060, Lonny! ;-)
Lonny tells me that input was rather rare when he hosted this
page. So, if you're a user of one of these machines and not on this list,
COME ON, mail me your info so I can
add you.
How to get listed here!
If you own an Atari/TOS clone and is not listed here, then do the
following. Mail me your complete name,
where you live (city, state, country), URL to your 'main' web page and an
ASCII file describing your system, or alternatively, an URL to your own setup
page (do not confuse this URL with the 'main' URL) You may actually send both
a small text and URL to your own setup page. The URL must, however, go
directly to a description of your system! You may include as much or as little
information (E-Mail address, web URL) as you like. If you have an e-mail
address, it must be included, if you don't have one then please include your
full mailing address. Please do not send images as my web site is limited in
space. Thanks.

This column will contain "News of the month", starting now (Jun 1,
2001). Older news will be kept separate.
- Sep 26, 2002 - Now The Atari/TOS Clone Directory is the official
web page for the Atari Clone Mailing list. Nice ;-)
- Sep 22, 2002 - NE2000 drivers for
MiNTNet now available in EtherNEC and PCI flavours.
- Sep 22, 2002 - Updated the
RTL8139 drivers for MiNTNet, now at
- Sep 22, 2002 - A new Atari Clone owners mailing list have been
setup! Owning a Clone is a requirement to subscribe to this list. If you are
not listed on 'Atari TOS/Clone directory', you will not be subscribed, so come
and get on this list! Go to
Atari Clone Mailing-list
subscription page for more info.
- Jul 25, 2002 - MiNTNet driver for RTL8139 based ethernet cards
available here!
- Jul 25, 2002 - PCI BIOS
v1.13d is now available. If you haven't already, GET IT!
- Jan 06, 2003 - There is now an ISA version of the NE2000 MiNTNet
driver for Milan available for those who wants to test. Check the
NE2000 page.
Older news....
June 2001

Some handy tools for your Hades;
- MMU Tools You need this if you want
Memory protection in MiNT
- GSXB+ES1371 Generic Sound XBios and
a driver for ES1371 based cards, such as Sound Blaster AudioPCI64/128,
Sound Blaster PCI 16, Creative Ensoniq AudioPCI.
- SCC.XDD for MiNT. A SCC serial
driver for MiNT.
- AssemSoft-PLIP for MiNT. This is my
rewrite of the PLIP driver for MiNTnet, as the original one wasn't very
stable in my Hades <--> TT setup. AssemSoft-PLIP should work on
any 020+ machines.
HadesFAQ A great source of information about the Hades written by
Lonny Pursell. If you own a Hades,
get this ST-Guide document now! Excellent work, Lonny! Lonny's web page
is here.
v1.13d is a must for all Hades owners. You NEED this one if you plan
on using more than one PCI card in your Hades. Author is Markus Fichtenbauer and his web page
is here.

The Medusa T40 Directory
E-Mail link |
URL link |
Info link |
Other Contacts |
You could be listed here... |
Have a Medusa T40? |
...contact me if you do. :-) |
None |
The Hades060 Directory
E-Mail link |
URL link |
Info link |
Other Contacts |
Edward S. Baiz Jr. |
Granger, Indiana (USA) |
0001 |
None |
Timo Tiihonen |
Turku, Finland |
0002 |
None |
Ben Hills |
UK |
0003 |
None |
Erik Häll |
Karlskrona, Sweden |
0004 |
None |
Ken Springer |
Colorado (USA) |
0005 |
None |
Martin Byttebier |
Deerlijk, Belgium |
0006 |
None |
Lonny Pursell |
Pandora, Ohio (USA) |
Setup/0007 |
None |
Leo Weppelman |
Utrecht, Netherlands |
No Info |
None |
Paul Williamson |
Lincolnshire U.K. |
0009 |
None |
David B Barkin |
0010 |
None |
Odd Skancke |
Sarpsborg, Norway |
0011 |
ICQ: ozk @ #15120379 |
Boucharel Frederic |
France |
0012 |
None |
Anthony Green |
Hobart, Tasmania (Australia) |
0013 |
None |
Kröger |
Ahrensburg, Germany |
0014 |
None |
Loïc |
Caveirac, France |
0015 |
None |
Vincent Castelot |
France |
0016 |
None |
Erich Arning |
Germany |
0017 |
None |
John Diot |
Paris , France |
0019 |
None |
Markus Fichtenbauer |
Austria |
0020 |
None |
Jochen Fietz |
Muelheim, Germany |
0021 |
None |
Hans Hümmer |
Germany |
0022 |
None |
Alexander Beuscher |
Braunschweig, Germany |
0023 |
None |

Atari/TOS clone hardware developers:
Dealers that carry Atari/TOS clones/compatibles:

Note: The WebMaster does not necessarily endorse any of the companies listed.