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GSXB is a "Generic Sound XBIOS" patch, that together with a driver, adds sound XBIOS compatibility to any Atari or Atari clone computers. This means that GSXB does not drive any hardware by itself, as that part is left to individual hardware sound drivers, like the ES1371 driver below. GSXB will install on ANY Atari or Atari clone, but its functions are not available to applications until a driver installs itself. GSXB adds the following XBIOS calls to any TOS machine; Name XBIOS Function Locksnd 128 Unlocksnd 129 Soundcmd 130 Setbuffer 131 Setmode 132 Settracks 133 Setmontracks 134 Setinterrupt 135 Buffoper 136 Dsptristate *137 - Not impelemented yet Gpio 138 Devconnect 139 Sndstatus 140 Buffptr 141These functions try to be compatible with MilanBlaster, except from one major exception, Setinterrup(). Since the sound interrupts used in the Falcon are used by other hardware in the Hades, I can not allow any programs to use that. However, there is a new Setinterrupt() mode that will work the same way, if the driver supports it, that will work the same on any platform. See the Setinterrupt() documentation for details. GSXB does not define any driver interface for Midi or DSP yet due to lack of hardware and/or docs to test with. Download GSXB v0.16 Beta. (15457 bytes)
GSXB Mixer is a mixer application for GSXB. It can run as either ACC or PRG. This application is not yet complete, but it quite functional as it is. You can at least use all the stuff present in the window, provided the driver supports it, with exception from the "?" icon. This icon will bring up a dialog with info about the current driver later. Not much to say about this.. this is how it looks atm.
Download GSXB Mixer v0.06b. (38676 bytes) This is a GSXB hardware driver for the Hades. At the moment the following cards have been tested, and proven to work well. If you inted to get one of these, make sure it is a ES1371 based one. There exists ES1370 based ones as well; Sound Blaster AudioPCI 64V Sound Blaster AudioPCI 128 How do you know if a card will work? Well, I can not guarantee anything, but I believe that any cards that reports a Vendor ID = 1274, Card ID = 1371 should work. The PCI BIOS prints a list of cards found in the system at bootup, so pay attention to what PCI BIOS says when installing a new card. This driver is available for the Hades now. A version that use the PCI BIOS will be available soon, and that version should work on Milan too. Since I don't have a Milan, I can't do real tests, but Frank Naumann has been extremely helpful. I've run into problems, unfortunately, but I have asked for help. Hopefully, the PCI BIOS version will run on both Hades and Milan. In its present state, this driver can do DMA playback/capture, as supported by the Falcon hardware. Software that have been tested, and works; GSXB/ES1371 compatibility list
To get the best results using this driver on the Hades (and any future driver for the Hades written by me), you should also install the Set MMU tools, and let it split your Hades RAM into ST/TT parts. This is because most applications doing DMA playback using the XBIOS will allocate RAM for the DMA buffers in ST RAM. You should then set your ST ram to be cachable, WriteThrough to avoid noice in the playback due to cached, not written out data. The PCI bridge in the Hades should deal with this, but apparently it doesn't fully do that.
Download ES1371 Driver v0.10 Beta. (5696 bytes)